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VERITY Patient and Community Partnership Forum

VERITY Faculty will be joined by faculty from OMERACT, EULAR, Global Health Living Foundation, and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health to discuss the various roles patients can play in research and how to involve patients and communities as partners in research. 

Please find addition information about the forum below. Contact Jackie Stratton,, with any further questions.

When will the forum be held? 

The forum will be held virtually on Tuesday, October 29, 2024, from 12:30-2:30PM ET

Who is eligible to attend the forum?

This forum is targeted towards researchers, clinicians, and research staff. Patients are also welcome to attend.

How much does the forum cost?

There is no cost to attend the forum.

Do I have to register to attend the forum?

Yes, we ask all interested in the forum to register. You can register by clicking here.

Registration is due by 12:00PM ET on Friday, October 25.  After the registration due date passes, all registered attendees will receive information about how to join the course.

What if I have more questions about the forum?

Please direct all additional question/concerns/issues to the VERITY project manager, Jackie Stratton (

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